Resources for learning more about these topics



  1. The Stealth Inequities of School Funding, 2012. By Bruce Baker and Sean Corcoran of the Center for American Progress.
  2. Funding Missouri’s Public Schools Comes Down to One Not-So-Simple Formula, 2016. By Dale Singer, Tim Lloyd, and Kameel Stanley.
  3. How Do School Funding Formulas Work? 2017. By The Urban Institute. 
  4. Dismissed: America’s Most Divisive Borders, 2019. By EdBuild.
  5. Is School Funding Fair? A National Report Card, 2017. By: Bruce Baker, Danielle Farrie, Monete Johnson, Theresa Luhm and David G. Sciarra. 

Property Taxes

  1. FundEd: State Policy Analysis. 2020. By EdBuild. 
  2. Budget Basics: K-12 Education. 2017. By Missouri Budget Project. 
  3. Missouri. 2020. By the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
  4. Real Estate Assessment and Property Taxation. 2011. By David Stokes, Christine Harbin, and Josh Smith of The Show-Me Institute.
  5. Why America’s Schools Have a Money Problem. 2016. By NPR.


  1. Citizen Brown, 2019. By Colin Gordon.
  2. The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, 2017. By Richard Rothstein.
  3. Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America, 2018. By Robert Nelson and colleagues. 
  4. Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the American City, 2009. Colin Gordon. 

Education Environment

  1. A Senior Year Mostly Lost for a Normandy Honor Student, 2015. By Elisa Crouch.
  2. Understanding Teacher Shortages: 2018 Update, 2018. By the Learning Policy Institute.
  3. Teacher Quality Gaps in U.S. Public Schools:  Trends, Sources, and Implications, 2019. By Dan Goldhaber, Vanessa Quince, and Roddy Theobald. 

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